Comfort Farms
No phone option.
Email: info@stagvetsinc.org
347 Horace Veal Rd NW, Milledgeville, GA, USA
Servicing the USA
What makes the organization unique?
Comfort Farms grows heirloom vegetables and raises heritage turkeys, hogs, hens, rabbits, and fish with the goal of helping veterans heal after their service. Veterans learn skill sets in the farming industry that integrate economic profitability, environmental stewardship, and healing through the use of Agro-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and time-tested natural approaches.
Also see Stag Vets...
Who can sign up to participate:
Veterans who are homeless, in need, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
How Much Does It Cost?:
What kind of activities are offered?
How Long Do The Activities Last?:
Varies, See calendar.
Does the organization have a calender of events?: